

EAZYNOTEZ is an online marketplace, where students are able to buy or sell their notes (and other study materials) in digital form.

Why did we create EAZYNOTEZ?

We have started EAZYNOTEZ to solve a problem we all faced during our studies: we constantly needed good notes, but had a hard time getting them. We always had to beg our classmates for their notes (who were oftentimes unwilling to share them) or just had to be satisfied with some outdated, lower quality versions which were available for free.

Each exam season we dreamed of a website where we could just browse for our “perfect” notes, buy them, and have them instantly be available to us. That is the reason why we created EAZYNOTEZ.

What is our goal and mission?

Our goal is to make good notes accessible to a wider audience, and for the authors of such notes to be rewarded for their efforts. We want you to only worry about studying, and not whether your study materials are good enough to prepare for the exams.


EAZYNOTEZ je spletna tržnica, kjer lahko študenti kupijo ali prodajo svoje zapiske in druge študijske materiale v digitalni obliki.

Zakaj smo ustvarili EAZYNOTEZ?

EAZYNOTEZ smo ustvarili, da rešimo težavo s katero smo se tudi sami soočali med študijem: nenehno potrebo po dobrih zapiskih, in kje le te dobiti. Zmeraj smo morali prositi sošolce in sošolke, (ki so pogosto neradi delili) ali pa smo se morali zadovoljiti z starimi, bolj površnimi različicami, ki so bile na voljo brezplačno.

Vsako izpitno obdobje smo sanjali o spletni strani, kjer bi lahko preprosto poiskali nam “popolne” zapiske, jih kupili in jih takoj imeli na voljo za uporabo. To je razlog, zakaj smo ustvarili EAZYNOTEZ.

Kaj je naš cilj?

Naš cilj je omogočiti dostop do dobrih zapiskov čim večjemu številu študentov, pri tem pa avtorjem zapiskov zagotoviti primerno nagrado za njihov trud. Želimo, da postane tvoja skrb samo učenje, in ne ali so tvoji študijski materiali dovolj dobri za uspešno pripravo na izpite.

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